Asmongold to the new wow

Also, the Streamer Mongol leaves no good hair at the new Cinematic In world of Warcraft. He feels it illogical and just bad.

Yesterday, Blizzard has unlawfully published a new Cinematic on World of Warcraft, which is also available on the PTR of Patch 9.2. The Cinematic treats an important moment in the plot of Sylvan's wind runners, the former Banshee Queen, which is now, according to the Raid Sanctum of the rule, in the violence of the heroes.

The Streamer Mongol gives his opinion about the video — and the criticism is sometimes devastating.

Spoiler warning: The article deals with the Cinematic Shattered Legacy and thus Story content of patch 9.2. Who does not want to be spoiled, should not read more?

What to see in the Cinematic? The Cinematic shows the unconscious Sylvan as, surrounded by Other, Maine, Jain, Thrall and Bolivar in Tribes. The heroes advise if they should wake sylvan as, as they know the plan of the cheater master. While some are against, Other decides in the end to contact Sylvan as. In a kind of dream world, he clarifies Sylvan as that she was at the same time the forest runner of Silberman, but also the Banshee Queen, which has put the Teldrassil in flames. Sylvan as then comes to himself again — and apparently accepts the two sides of their being.

How to respond Mongol: In a justified noise Mongol does not leave a good hair at the Cinematic. For him, the video is a big Recon one of the most important and best WoW characters.

From his point of view, the new Cinematic implies that Sylvan as is basically since Warcraft in the spell of the Charter Master. All of what Sylvan as has made cool and a strong, self-determined female character, was destroyed with a blow.

ICR have taken one of the best characters of the whole story and now says that everything was brilliant and torn that she did, actually only because of a bald idiot was made with an overlapped nipple that pulls the threads in the background and none ever heard of which Has?

At the same time Mongol finds it illogical about the motivation of Jain, Maine and Thrall. That they actually discuss whether to trust Sylvan as, nothing would be more than fan service. For if these characters would think briefly, then they knew that they have no chance without Sylvan as' knowledge. After all, the cheater master could completely subjugate them with a single gesture.

However, Mongol also finds a few nice words for Cinematic. The pure representation is good, the quality would be significantly higher than the other Cinematic in the past. It would become problematic only if the characters open their mouth.

SYLVANAS 2.0! Asmongold Reacts to HUGE WoW Cinematic What do you think about the Cinematic? Does your opinion of Mongol divide? Or do you like the direction in which everything develops?


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