Xbox Game Pass: Quests Guide and Instructions KW 41/2021

Today we introduce you to Xbox Game Pass Quests Guide including instructions of KW 41/2021. The new Quests week runs from 12 October to 19 October 2021.

Xbox Game Pass Quests KW 41/2021 Guide

Quest: Put 2 stretches back in The Long Dark. Game: The Long Dark Points: 50 points

Quest: Play Dead Space Game: Dead Space Points: 25 points

So that you can conclude the quest, a simple start of the game is already enough. Since this game is not in the cloud you have to install the game on your Xbox.

Quest: Individual design - 3 Game pass play games or achieve 3 successes in the Game Pass Games Game: Optional Points: 10 points

Instructions : The easiest way is to play the Game Pass Games here. A short start is enough for it to be counted. Every week there are two games where your Reward s points can collect, if you do this power you already have two of three games. If you are looking for a game, which you may already have on the Xbox or also installs a small game to get the points. To save yourself an installation, a game from the cloud works with the Game Pass App.

Quest: Earn a success in Game Pass - 1 Game Pass Success Game: Optional Points: 10 points

Instruction : Simply unlock a success in a Game Pass game. The easiest way to Rocket League, Descender, Ark or Other Indie Games.

Quest: Daily Quest - Complete 4 Daily Quests Game: Optional Points: 10 points

Instructions : The quest is created in two days. Sign up on the mobile app (Xbox Game Pass app on the phone) and just briefly starts an Xbox Game Pass game on the Xbox or on the phone via Cloud. Makes this twice and the quest is done.

Inside Xbox – Introducing Xbox Game Pass Ultimate

Other topics:

All Xbox Game Pass News in the overview Microsoft Rewards: Beginner Guide and Instructions


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