Football Manager 2022 celebrating release on November 9th

The most popular manager simulation in the Efootball segment returns to the 9th of November: With the FM22 Sports Interactive and Sega announced the next title of the Football Manager series.

In football, it is not only about being the best and winning. Success means more if you have earned him, the developers open the press release - and thus directly present the march route. Finally, the FM series is known for its claim to the players, the detail depth requests great dedication and commitment.

In addition to the usual edition for PC and Mac (Steam, Epic Games Store and Microsoft Store), the Xbox Edition returns to the successful campaign in the FM21 - the release for the console is also terminated on November 9th. For the first time, the upcoming offshoot will also be included by day one in the Xbox Game Pass, a historic premiere for the Manager series.

Pre-order with discount and Early Access

Members of the Xbox Game Pass for PC can enjoy the unparalleled depth and realism of FM22, while members of the Xbox Game Pass for consoles with the FM22 Xbox edition is essential for the manager from the comfort of their sofa do to Sports Interactive admits Protocol. Both titles should also be available for Xbox Game Pass Ultimate members.

A pre-order for PC or Mac via a Sega-approved digital dealer guarantees a 10-percent discount on the purchase price. In addition, an Early Access is granted, which usually starts two weeks before the official release - the exact dates can be different depending on the platform. Before the regular prelude manager car ride can then be taken into the final game.

The mobile version of the FM22 also sees the light of the gaming world for iOS and Android on 9 November. The Apple Store allows a pre-order, a pre-registration provided on Google Play. The Reveal of FM22 Touch including the comeback for Nintendo Switch should be shortly .

More on the subject

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Content Reveal from the end of September

New, advanced ways to discover your strengths and develop your football style to your legacy as a great manager to consolidate , the developers promise. New features and license updates should be announced from the end of September via the social media channels of the FM, information about the game upgrades will follow from the beginning of October.

Finally, the creators of the FM had announced to integrate women's football in a big style. There is currently a glass ceiling for women's football and we want to contribute to this can be broken. We believe in equality for all and want to be part of the solution, explained Miles Jacobson, Studio Director of Sports Interactive. However, whether this project can already be implemented for the FM22 is not yet known.

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