The development of Bleeding Edge was influenced by the launch of Game Pass

The publication of the multiplayer title on Game Pass influenced the hiring of the team to new players.

Modernest is the latest game of Ninja Theory and it looks like a visual reward. It seems a good mix of shooting and melee (the latter was a challenge for the developer team), something completely different than the usual live shooter like vierzehn days and pubg. It is also published day and date on Game Pass, which is now possible for all Microsoft First party games. This part of the publication had a great influence on Modernest too.

In conversation with Gamesindustry, Creative Director Rahni Tucker has broken down aspects of game development. It is of the opinion that a constantly offered title at Game Pass means that you have to think more about new players than if Modernest were only available on the traditional market, as newcomers may be more likely to recharge and over their entire service life.

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If you came about Game Pass to the game and may not know so much about this kind of genre, it can be a bit more difficult to enter the game, she explained.

Maybe [these players] do not know all buttons, maybe they do not know how the game modes work, so we try to focus and ensure that there is a beautiful ramp for new players who come into the game.

Modernest will be released on March 24 for Xbox One and PC. As already mentioned, it is also started with the Game Pass on the same day, where it is offered for sale.

Tagged with: Bleeding Edge, Microsoft, Ninja Theory, PC, Xbox One


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