Taipei Game Show wegen Coronavirus

There is no specific date for the recovery of the show.

I am sure that they have now heard of the current health crisis of the Coronavirus. The flu-like virus has hoisted China and spread in Asia and appeared in America and Europe. The World Health Organization classified it as a global emergency. For this reason, the 2020 Taipei Game Show was pushed back.

The delay was announced through the official website, which you can read here. The show is now the second largest organized event in Asia after the Tokyo Game Show and takes place in the Taiwanese capital. The organizing community decided that it is advisable due to the strong dissemination of the virus to postpone the date of the event at a certain time in summer. The Taipei Game Show should originally take place from 6 to 9 February.

PLAYING LAUREN! | MLB The Show 17 | Retro Mode #4 Given the time, effort and money, which are spent on these conferences, it is no joke to postpone one. It becomes clear how serious this outbreak has become above all in Asia. We will keep you up to date as soon as more information is available.

Tags: Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Taipei Game Show, Xbox One


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