Platinumgames is happy to do one's own thing

During a recent interview, the head of the studio Platinumgames, Atsushi Inaba, and the director of the game Hideki Kamiya said they would like to stay an independent studio. Although Microsoft wants to try to grow further in Japan, Platinumgames will not join Xbox Game Studios according to the company's leaders. The discussions between platinumgames and Microsoft have not yet been produced yet, but the independent developer is happy to do his own thing and follow his own direction. Astral Chain is the latest platinumgame title and it is available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

Asked about the interest of Microsoft and Phil Spencer for Platinumgames, Atsushi Inaba replied: I read rumors that Xbox would like to buy platinumgames, and I thought, Internet users write the craziest things , Because this conversation has not arrived at our door to all. That said, we are not Microsoft, so we do not know what's going on behind, we do not know if they thought about it. Apparently, Microsoft Japan needs more work to expand the Xbox range in the area and until then, Platinumgames seems reluctant to reach Xbox Game Studios.

We did not have any discussion of this kind, but I think that even if it was a possibility, we will now proceed to a more independent self-publishing, continued atsushi inaba. It's not that we do not lose interest in Microsoft, but if the relationship had to be working under their direction, I think it would be the opposite of what we are trying to do now and limit our possibilities. I think we would be against any opportunity that would limit our freedom. Although we respect the direction that Platinumgames takes, we do not believe that the Xbox Game Studios would accept that their freedom be limited by Microsoft lately.

Do you think platinumgames should continue doing his own thing? Let us know in the comments below!

Source: VGC


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