With Blood of Heroes a new PVP game appears in the style of Dark Souls and For Honor. With your hero you will be in duels other players or fights in groups around the rule. The Open Beta starts on August 26th.

What is that for a game? Blood of Heroes is developed by the Belarusian Indie-Studio Vizor Games and plays in a gloomy, medieval, Nordic Empire. The game fully sets on PVP in various modes and brutal melee.

The slogan of the game is already kill her fast and cruel - which probably the opponents should be meant.

What are the features? You play one of the different heroes with his own weapons and skills and fights against other players. In doing so, you have three known game modes:

  • Duel - a 1-counter-1 fight against another player in the personalized arena; Here you can challenge friends
  • Brawl - a Deathmatch mode for triple teams
  • Domination - 2 teams from 5 players attack against each other and fight for the rule on the map - apparently similar to in for Honor

The arenas are one of the core features of the game and should be adapted. By prey, you should be able to change the optics and even the construction of your arena. This can even contain play-relevant elements.

Builds you about several levels in your arena, your opponent can easily spoil in her by promoting them over an edge. Even the weather can be changed in your arena.

PVP in Dark Souls style, Open Beta starts in August

How is the game going on? The combat system looks like a mix of Dark Souls and for Honor. You are actively struggling with axes, spears and shields, can be blocked and parry. Skill and timing are obviously in the foreground.

In the gameplay, mechanics such as the Staggering from Dark Soul can be seen where opponents are briefly stunned and as attackable. The popular feature of the executions from for Honor seem to play a role.

More about myMMO:

  • New online game with huge bosses announced, reminiscent of Dark Souls
  • 7 unique MMOS and multiplayer games that have no real alternative
  • The 8 Best Battle Games for Switch, PlayStation, Xbox & PC

When and where can I play? The Open Beta for the PC starts on August 26th. You can sign up for the test on the official site (via The game will be completely playable in German.

90 Minutes With The Dark Souls 3 Beta To release is Blood of Heroes a Free2Play title for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X | s. However, a concrete release date is still out.

Incidentally, the Nordic fantasy setting in which Blood of Heroes is to play recently enjoys more and more popular lately and has already produced a lot of strong games:

These are the 4 best Viking MMOs on Steam I played


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