Gears Tactics is Single Player and contains no microtransactions

Fergusson does not promise micro-transactions in the single player.

At this year's The Game Awards, we finally got a release date for the spin-off, Gears tactics. The game will be a lap-based strategy game where villains and heroes of the game challenge each other in a completely different way. And what microstransaktions are concerned, they are apparently free of these, which aims to offer a single player experience.

As out of the official Twitter from The Coalition's Rod Fergusson, Tactik will be a single player-focused game. As shown in the trailer at the date of publication, there are tons of unlockable cosmetics with which they can equip their characters, and Fergusson says all these can be unlocked without micro transactions.

IT'S TRUE - GAMEFREAK LIED TO US ALL. (Pokemon Sword and Shield Controversy)

It remains to be seen whether this remains so far or if it is added later (which can not be cynical today), but such or so the game will start both on Xbox One and on the PC on April 28 2020 without a microtransaktion. Marked: Gear Tactics, Microsoft, PC, Splash Damage, Xbox One


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