Control developer, Remedy Entertainment, issues explanation on the sales of the game

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Remedy creates that one's own profit and sales are expected to rise.

Strion is Remedy Entertainment's latest game and it succeeds in bringing many different topics and styles that the company has played over the years. The publisher of the game, 505 games, announced his financial result from the parent company to prove sales of 17.7 million euros. Although it is impossible to know if this was disappointing without knowing the budget of the game, it is not nearly what you would expect if you consider the marketing and family tree of the game.

In an unusual train, the developer of the game published a statement about the sales figures of the game. In a press release, they broke the agreement with Digitial Bros. (the parent company of 505 games) and the division of revenue as well as the contract concluded with EPIC Games for the exclusivity of the PC version for Epic Games Store. They also indicate that, despite the digital bros reported by Digital Bros., an increase in internal reporting is recorded and the revenue realization between Digital Bros. and Digital Bros. Is different without being closer to it. The full explanation of Yahoo Finance can be found here.

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Whether this was REMEDYS funds to dispel the fears that the game did not go well, or just to clarify things, it's still a pretty unusual chess train. Anyway, the content after the publication of the game will be released regardless of the performance of the game. So no more steuerung comes, and there we can all agree, is a good thing.

Tags: 505 games, control, pc, ps4, remedy entertainment, xbox one


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