Amazon's new world is delayed until the 25th of August

Amazon Games (previously Amazon Game Studios) is an American computer game developer and department of the online retailing business that concentrates on the growth of video clip games.

The remote development of a MMO due to the recent pandemic has challenged the developer.

New World: The Final Preview

The coming MMO from Amazon Game Studios neute world is the latest home version to be delayed. It will now be released on the 25th of August for the PC. The Closed Beta will appear in July. The developer revealed in an update that the recent Covid-19-Coronavirus pandemic was the reason for the delay together with the challenges of remote work.

Like most of them, our entire team was confiscated as a result of the global Covid 19 pandemic. While we still make great progress, we develop an ambitious MMO like neute world remote has introduced some challenges. We want to make sure that we have time to make New World as well as possible for our players. For this reason, we decided to delay the publication of the game to achieve our quality limit as we work remotely on the foreseeable future.

Alpha players can continue to access the game and the development team will tell more details before starting. The first game of Amazon Game Studios in Orange County neute world plays on a fictitious island that houses mysterious forces. The players arrive on the island and run three different political groups - The Lost, Angry Earth and Ancients - each with their own bond to the environment.

New World is one of many games that have to be moved due to the recent pandemic. The list currently contains Mojang's Minecraft Dungeons, Inxiles ödland 3, _ Cradle Games, _Hellpoint, _ Naughty dog ​​_The last one of us Part 2 and Marvels Iron Man VR by Camouflaj. We will see if further potential delays occur in the coming months.

Marked with: Amazon Game Studios, New World, PC


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